OE-A Competition and LOPEC Start-up Forum winners announced at LOPEC 2022
Start-ups and state-of-the-art printed electronics products have taken the stage live in Munich at LOPEC 2022 showing the many possibilities of flexible, organic, and printed electronics with inspiring products and fresh designs.
From automotive to healthcare and to IoT: Companies and institutes from all around the globe submitted their latest visions and products in the field of organic and printed electronics to the OE-A Competition 2022. Annually organized by OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association), a working group within VDMA, this competition challenges the printed electronics industry. The four best submissions were rewarded at LOPEC 2022, the international exhibition and conference for printed electronics, in Munich, Germany.
Again, this year the OE-A Competition was a great success, including various state-of-the-art products ranging from sensors and wearables to smart labels and touch panels. “The OE-A competition is a highlight of the exhibition”, says Dr. Klaus Hecker, Managing Director of OE-A.” It is a great pleasure to see the number of products for healthcare, automotive, and IoT entering the market have been growing year by year.”, continues Klaus Hecker.
The jury, consisting of representatives from international companies and institutes, rated 22 submissions from 11 countries in three categories. LOPEC attendees were also allowed a vote. At the OE-A booth, where all demonstrators were on display, visitors were encouraged to choose their favorite exhibit.
The awards were distributed during the LOPEC Get-Together & Award Show to the following winners:
Best Prototype / New Product
Sensing Leg Prosthesis
IEE S.A. (Luxembourg)
Best Freestyle Demonstrator
Smart Sensor Mat
Holst Centre (The Netherlands)
Best Publicly Funded Project Demonstrator
ECOtronics, Energy Autonomous Temperature Logger
VTT and Tampere University (Finland)
Public Choice Award
Smart Sensor Mat
Holst Centre (The Netherlands)
Mark your calendar for the Web-Seminar “Printed Electronics Insights: OE-A Competition 2022 – The winners” on May 5th. The winners of each category will present online their projects to all those who are interested in the further development of printed electronics. The OE-A Competition 2023 will soon be launched. More information about the OE-A Competition can be found on our website.
OE-A presents two LOPEC Start-up Forum Awards 2022
Young companies are supported by OE-A at the LOPEC Business Conference. The Start-up Forum is a place for young entrepreneurs to present their innovative ideas, business cases, and products in a short talk. Their aim is to win over partners and investors for their project. “We are pleased to see that the Start-up Forum has established itself as an important part of LOPEC.”, states Wolfgang Mildner, General Chair of LOPEC. “The Start-up exhibition area combined with the opportunity to present at the Start-up Forum has given high visibility to the young companies taking part. It’s a win-win situation, the industry benefits also from the fresh ideas provided through the Start-ups.”, adds Wolfgang Mildner.
Two awards were presented:
Best Business Case
Dr. Ofer Shochet
Copprint (Israel)
Most Impactful Technology / Product
Dr. Ralph Birnbaum
IOTech Systems (UK, Israel)
Based on the great interest in the demonstrators and lectures – particularly from end-users, OE-A will once again distribute awards in various categories during the next LOPEC, which will take place in Munich on February 28 to March 02, 2023.