Skyrfid Move to USA Complete For 2022
Skyrfid Move to USA Complete For 2022
SkyRFID Inc. recently completed the transfer of assets and management from Canada to the U.S.A. advancing the support of U.S. customers, including the U.S. government. Long-time technology and equity partners, Geoff Dewhurst and Tim Shinbara received approval from their respective Boards to continue the 30+ years of SkyRFID development, fulfillment, and operations from within the U.S. in early 2020 and founded SkyRFID, LLC in Lansdowne, Virginia in November of 2020.
For SkyRFID, Inc., 2021 was a wind-down and dissolution period. The two partners will continue to operate SkyRFID, LLC with Mr. Shinbara being named CEO and President and Mr. Dewhurst retaining Chief Architect duties and responsibilities.
Having merged the talent and resources from Mr. Shinbara’s ventures and experience into SkyRFID, LLC the firm will now be headquartered and operated in Lansdowne, Virginia, U.S.A. The Canadian dissolution transferred all assets from Ontario-based SkyRFID, Inc. to the new Virginia-based SkyRFID, LLC.
All Global Sky Partner channels conveyed to SkyRFID, LLC as well as current contracts, purchase agreements/orders, and projects which will all be subject to US and Virginia laws and policies as applicable.
SkyRFID, LLC continues the decades-long operation of solving asset management challenges, covering more than 135 countries. Solution integrations will continue to include NFC, RFID, RTLS, Wi-Fi, and IoT-based communication protocols and may support further interoperability with mobile cellular protocols such as GSM, GPRS, HSPDA+, 4G-LTE, and upcoming 5G protocols.
#SkyRFID Inc. #2021wind-down #30+ years #Move to USA #2022