Thursday, February 13, 2025

Sneak Peek at our new`J` line brochure

Sneak Peek at our new`J` line brochure

We are proud and happy to present to you our brand-new brochure for the IMPRIMA `J` line at Labelexpo. We want our valued partners to have some background in advance of the show.

To reinforce the fact that Waterless offset printing is a green alternative printing system that runs on standard offset presses, we are using the tagline – WHAT’S IN YOUR FOOTPRINT? Its goal is to show you and your customers the benefits of reducing environmental impact with TORAY IMPRIMA waterless offset plates. This concept is also represented by including green visuals to underscore our commitment to the environment. These plates are not only more sustainable, but they also incur significant savings of time, resources, and money.

This outstanding brochure was produced with waterless offset printing by Seacourt using its LightTouch production process which provides the highest quality ad most exacting environmental standards with ZERO waste to landfill produced during the production process. This approach is completely in line with our GREEN environmental approach, and we thank Seacourt for partnering with us on this project.

#sneakpeek  #toraywaterless  #light touch production  #zerowaste 



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