New talents in Friul Filiere
New talents in Friul Filiere
What is your name and how old are you?
Andrea Barbetta and I just turned 30.
What role do you have in FF?
I’m the purchasing manager in Friul Filiere. As such, I’m in charge of the entire purchasing chain, from the procurement of raw materials to the parts needed to assemble the machines, and even afterward such as transport and logistics. I also evaluate potential suppliers and, together with the management, I take care of business investments, that part of purchasing that examines the makings to improve the company.
Tell us about the path that led you here at Friul Filiere.
My path was very significant for the carrying out of the activities I’m currently involved in at the company. I started out as a mechanic producing parts on manual and CNC machine tools; I then worked as a machines’ assembler and later on in the logistics department of the same mechanical company. Finally, I came to the purchasing area.
The experience in the warehouse was a choice, as I considered it to be the preparatory step to the activities of the purchasing department. All the steps I have taken along the way have contributed to enriching my vision in this area, where I have always wanted to work.
What convinced you to start with us?
First of all, having always worked in the steel sector, I was eager to try my hand at a sector as wide and diversified as one of the thermoplastic extrusion plants. The decisive factor, however, was the company’s vision. A vision that embraces an all-around innovation set both as philosophy and objective.
This aim to always be better was immediately clear to me from the first conversation with Luna Artico, HR manager and Sales & marketing director. Friul Filiere is always looking ahead and moving in a precise direction. On a personal level, I liked the role of responsibility I was going to take on as I like giving my contribution and being in a position that allows me to do so.
In this historical moment of difficulty in the supply of raw materials, what is your point of view as purchasing office?
The demand in 2022 has grown exponentially compared to 2020 when many markets were at a standstill due to the pandemic crisis. As production has decreased, so has inventory, making it difficult to meet current demand. This phenomenon will be corrected over time. However, if we add the energy costs, the situation becomes more complicated.
What we can do in terms of management is to plan orders correctly and maintain timely and accurate internal communication. Updates on the status of deliveries must be managed by the planning department so that alternative solutions, if necessary, can be found in order to preserve the correct timing. By taking charge of the alternatives the purchasing department has a key role.
How would you describe yourself as a person?
I am a determined, resourceful and goal-oriented person. I have reached the position where I have always wanted to be, namely being responsible for the purchasing department of an innovative company. Friul Filiere is not a compartmentalised company where the person in charge of purchasing only deals with a micro sector. Here I monitor and am responsible for the entire process and this allows me to put all my know-how to use. I feel very satisfied because it is not something easy to find.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I have a hobby of computers and high tech. I can spend hours in front of a computer investigating and understanding things. This relaxes me and over the years has also made me mentally elastic and flexible. In my spare time, I also play soccer in the role of goalkeeper, which I think is a further manifestation of my nature for roles of responsibility.
interview # Friul Filiere #newtalent #role