Saturday, February 8, 2025

Arburg at Interplastica 2022: High-tech for medical technology

Arburg at Interplastica 2022: High-tech for medical technology


  • Interplastica: Important industry gathering for the Russian-speaking region
  • Powerful: Hybrid Allrounder 520 H with medical technology application
  • Russia: Market with high potential for medical technology and packaging


After Interplastica 2021 had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, this important trade fair for the Russian-speaking region is to be held as an attendance fair from 25 to 28 January 2022. In keeping with the medical technology and packaging industries, which have the highest growth rates in Russia, Arburg will be showing the hybrid high-performance Hidrive series on its stand no. 21B25 in Hall 2, with an Allrounder 520 H producing 32 pipette tips in around six seconds cycle time. Steffen Eppler, Director Sales Europe, states the importance of the market and the trade fair: “Russia is a market with great potential, especially in the high-tech sector. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, we were able to massively expand our business activities in 2021, with sales being particularly strong in valuable machines and systems. For Arburg, the entire region is strongly characterised by packaging and medical technology; in technological terms, high-speed machines are very popular with our customers. Our exhibit is therefore also geared towards these focal points.” Artur Metzler, Country Manager in Sales responsible for Russia, adds: “We are successfully holding our own in Russia, because we not only have the right products, but are also on the ground with a high level of commitment and a strengthened team in order to provide comprehensive support to our customers and partners. As personal support is an important factor for success, we are very much looking forward to nterplastica 2022.”


High output: 19,200 moulded parts per hour At Interplastica 2022, a hybrid Allrounder 520 H with a clamping force of 1,500 kN will demonstrate the production-efficient, high-quality manufacture of pipette tips made of PP.The hybrid high-performance machines of the Hidrive series are optimised for rapid series production and so are also ideally suited for bulk articles used in the personal care, medical and pharmaceutical industries. They combine electric speed and precision on the clamping side with hydraulic power and dynamics during injection. The exhibit is equipped with a 32-cavity mould from Zahoransky and prepared for use in clean rooms. The cycle time is around six seconds, which corresponds to a throughput of around 19,200 moulded parts per hour.

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